Encountering car problems can be very frustrating, especially if you are not sure what to do. If you learn a little on the topic, you really can save lots of money and aggravation. Use the tips here to make repairs yourself when feasible. Use the tips for finding a good mechanic. This information may prove to be quite useful to you down the road.
Asking around for recommendations is a great opportunity to locate a mechanic you can trust. You can ask anyone you trust, from your hairdresser to your family. You can learn about the quality of work, the pricing and if they were satisfied with the service. You’ll get a real feel for the experience and the honesty of the mechanic.
Keep a record when your car is fixed or maintained. If you have problems with your vehicle later on, you will find it helpful to have some records for the next technician to look at. If you do not have the records, you might end up paying more for the mechanic to poke around trying to find the source of the trouble.
Beware mechanics who charge you for repairs which are unnecessary. A mechanic that’s good will tell you whether or not a pert is beginning to wear out, but they’re not going to replace things without your permission first. Don’t return to mechanics that do unnecessary repairs.
Ask your mechanic to use OEM parts. These are original components from the manufacturer. While generic could be a cheaper option, you don’t know how they will perform in the future. Generic parts could end up costing you more in the long run.
Keep a repair kit in the car at all times. You should definitely have the tools necessary to change a tire, if you need to. Get a lug wrench or a jack. You should also have good quality Phillips head and flat head screwdrivers, socket wrenches and a ratchet set, a torque wrench and an adjustable wrench. Do not waste money by getting cheap tools. Get sturdy, quality tools that will not break on you.
When you need a major repair done, get numerous estimates. While you can usually trust an auto repair shop, you don’t want to be paying too much money for the repairs needed. Search for a reliable shops that is knowledgeable with your kind of car. You will get much better results if you go to a reliable auto shop.
If your taillights or headlights burn out, you will save a ton of money. While it is different with each vehicle, it is much cheaper to do it yourself. See if someone you know can tell you how it’s done.
Do your friends or family have any recommendations for good repairers? Your family and friends may have a few recommendations for you that will make your search much easier. Research any recommendations you get. At least try to find some online reviews on the shops that they recommend.
Know what all the lights stand for on your dashboard and be aware of when they go off. Your dashboard lights warn you of potential problems. If you ignore them, the problem will only become worse than it is now.
Check the car’s tire pressure whenever you fill up the tank. Verify that there are no nails or debris sticking out. If you see something amiss, get it fixed as soon as possible. Do not take a chance by driving on damaged tires.
It is a good idea to take some photos of your car, prior to taking it to the garage. Some unethical shops may strip parts off your vehicle and resell them. It is better to document what your vehicle looks like just in case this horrible thing happens to you.
Avoid diagnosing your own car problems. Bear in mind that you are not trained as a mechanic. It could seem simple, but it may be a complex issue. This is particularly true in new computerized vehicles. Let the auto shop diagnose it. Be knowledgeable about the details, but let the repair shop make the diagnosis.
Don’t trust any claims that a part will last you a lifetime. They may just be trying to jack your price up. A good example of this is transmission fluid that has a “lifetime guarantee”. While it’s not changed as much as typical fluid, it must be changed around every 80,000 miles.
Not many people bother reading their owner’s manual. You should read your manual all the way through at least once. In it, the manufacturer informs you of the essentials for keeping your car in good running condition. It can even help you with simple repairs.
Bleed your brakes after your work is done on them. Take the time to pump brake fluid too. Check for leaks. At that point, you should feel comfortable taking the car out on a road with less traffic. Begin slowly to be sure they’re repaired well prior to trying higher speeds.
For simple things, such as adding oil and windshield wiper fluid to your vehicle, there is no reason that you cannot do these things on your own. It is a myth that only professional auto mechanics can do routine maintenance jobs. Make sure you know what to do, then dive right in.
It can be a big nuisance to have to deal with car issues. They may also cost an arm and a leg. You will save both time and money with a little knowledge regarding car maintenance and repairs.